Cycling Small acts of change As an introvert, I'm not inclined to activism but I've come to find satisfaction in taking practical steps towards a better future for walking and cycling.
Walking Out of darkness cometh light As winter’s grip loosens, I've come to recognise it as a time of renewal and exploration.
Thinking Stop driving to the gym Going about our daily lives actively is far better for us than the lifestyle the leisure industry is pushing.
Walking Above Silurian clouds A week of high atmospheric pressure saw us happily marooned on hilltops, cut adrift in splendid Paleozoic isolation.
Thinking Our year without a car Freed from owning an expensive lump of metal that spends most of its time doing nothing, we’ve saved ourselves money and hassle.
Walking Walking the sands of Sker Leaving busy Rest Bay behind, I walked on sand that stretched towards a dragon breathing its last.
Walking Camping wild and free on Dartmoor Exercising our fragile, threatened right to sleep under the stars, we hike high on to the moor before pitching our tent in the fading light.
Walking Walking the Simmenfälle The whitewater channel carrying the river Simme from the mountains is not what it seems.
Walking Patience and the panorama We awoke to see low cloud shrouding the mountain. There was nothing to do but sit and wait, refreshing the summit webcam and the weather app.
Walking The slow way to Switzerland An unhurried journey by train and on foot stretched time and filled our summer with stories.
Walking The Dales Way: Burnsall to Kettlewell Walking upstream along the River Wharfe in the footsteps of Iron Age settlers and an 18th century murderer.
Walking Walking the sculptor’s landscape A stroll around Canwood Gallery reveals the power of art and nature.
Walking The first and last of the winter snow With the late snowfall came a morning of childhood joy, and a chance to use our crazy coracle sledge.
Walking Hot chocolate on the hill Following in Celtic footsteps, we welcome spring with our own family ritual.
Walking Cynffig: life in the sand A walk through towering dunes takes us into a story of nature, people and a sand-drowned town.
Walking Second city photo stroll Walking along the canal, we cut through layers of Birmingham’s past – and present.
Walking The incident of the curious dog on the Thames Path A two-day family walk with an excitable pup. What could go wrong? We got our answer a couple of kilometres into the walk.
Cycling Finding peace in the Galloway Forest Park We left fears, anxieties, work and chores far behind for a week exploring the forest around Glentrool.
Thinking The right to wild camp on Dartmoor: gone but not forgotten The outcome last week of a wealthy landowner’s high court case was sadly predictable: he’s stripped people of their legal right to camp on Dartmoor.
Walking As I walked out one midwinter morning One January morning I stepped out of my front door and didn’t return until the sun was setting and I’d walked 30km.
Cycling Edgelands: neither here nor there I’m no lover of cities, yet I'm drawn to edgelands – those transitional spaces that are neither urban nor rural.
Walking White clouds in the Black Mountains We drove through thick fog for an hour before turning onto the mountain road. Was this it? Would the weather spoil our view?
Walking Walking has become a radical act Choose to walk and you're resisting pressure to conform and embracing a mode of transport that is free – in more ways than one.
Walking Walking behind a waterfall For a moment we are immersed in Sgwd-yr-Eira, the Falling of the Snow. The narrow path cocoons us between the waterfall and the rock.
Walking Walking the South West Coast Path The adventure spanned 14 years, starting in Minehead when I was a teenager and finishing in Poole as I was about to become a parent.